I am part of the following Women in Science organizations and I encourage all women scientists to join similar networks in their geographical area:
Diversify EEB: a database of ecologists & evolutionary biologists who are women and/or underrepresented minorities
Informed Opinions database, a growing network of knowledgeable women, Two-Spirit and gender diverse individuals motivated to use the power of their expertise to change the world
You can find out about other Women in Science organizations in Canada, USA and the UK here
Aug 2018. Official Mentor within the Joint European Mentoring Initiative, an initiative spearheaded by EURAXESS North America.
Oct 2018. Official Mentor within the BES Women in Ecology mentoring scheme.
Mar 2016. Guest lecture on the topic “Evolving to survive: the story of the European rabbit in western Europe”, as part of the Behavioural Ecology course (BIOL 3360H) at Trent University, Canada.
Mar 2016. Guest lecture on the topic “Introduction to and applications of species distribution models”, Anthropology Department, Trent University, Canada.
Jan 2016. Guest lecture on the topic “Peer review in Ecology”, Biology Department, Trent University, Canada.
Dec 2015. Guest lecture on the topic “Conservation of mammals worldwide: tools and applications”, as part of the Mammalogy course (BIOL4180H) at Trent University, Canada.
Oct 2015. Guest lecture on the topic “Disease, Parasitism and Mutualism”, as part of the Introductory Ecology course (BIOL / ERSC 2260) at Trent University.
Fall 2013. Awarded the position of Instructor of the Course “Approaches to Ecology” (#ENLS-5044H) at Trent University (due to an exclusivity clause of my funding source I was unable to take this position)
Dec 2011. Lecturer at the University of Córdoba, Spain within the course “Advanced game management” (class size 45 participants, mainly university students)
Apr 2006. Lecturer at the Serra da Estrela Natural Park, Portugal, for a short course (16 hours) on “Game species monitoring” (class size 50 participants, mainly public administration personnel and university students).
Nov 2005. Lecturer at COOPCOA, Portugal for a short course (8 hours) on “Game management in Natura 2000 Network Areas” (class size 40 participants, mainly game managers, farmers and public administration personnel).
May 2004. Lecturer at the Serra da Estrela Natural Park, Portugal for a short course (24 hours) on “Small Game Management” (class size 30 participants, mainly wildlife professionals and public administration personnel).
2018-2020. Supervisor of four 6-month internships as European Biodiversity Conservation Coordinator at IUCN.
2017. Co-Supervisor of MSc Carolina Márquez Cañas (IREC-UCLM, Spain) with Dr. Pelayo Acevedo Lavandera on the topic "Drivers of change in the distribution of terrestrial predators in southern Spain since historical times".
2013-2016. Informal co-supervision of 30 MsC and PhD students within the Murray Lab (Trent University, Canada) in topics ranging from species distribution modeling to citizen science programs.
2004-2006. Co-Supervisor of Honor thesis:
Timóteo, S. (2006). Study of the diet of the wild rabbit in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Co-supervision with Prof. Paulo Célio (CIBIO-UP). Porto University, Porto, Portugal.
Marques, S. (2005). Study of the incidence of coccidiosis in two wild rabbit populations under different climatic conditions. Co-supervision with Prof. Paulo Célio (CIBIO-UP). Porto University, Porto, Portugal.
Brito, O. (2004). Assessment of the environmental impact of forestry activities in Protected Areas. Co-supervision with Eng. Luís Ferreira (PNSACV). ISA, Lisbon, Portugal.